Here the key issue of overmedication is highlighted to make visitors of this site familiar with the role and impact of medication
on today's youth.
The quick-fix fell good theme of the United States and the discipline driven cultures of other societies such as in Asia,
suggest the idea that the issue of overmedicating children and students is only relevant in the United States. In other
nations "they tend to think their kids are misbehaving, disobedient, or that they don't like going to school," but
the fact of the matter is that mental illnesses and behavioral disorders still exist all over the world; an estimated 2.5%
of Japanese children suffer from ADHD (1). However, the number of kids diagnosed with ADD and ADHD and on drugs such as
Ritalin, are extremely high in this country; and estimated 7.5% of American children between the ages of 5 and 19, nearly
5 million kids will be diagnosed with ADHD (1). But none the less, like the Japanese child described in the article titled
"3:30 P.M. Mental Health: Is Asia Catching Up?" who was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 3, everyday and in many
countries, kids are being diagnosed and treated with stimulants and anti-depressants,